Our Mission

Our mission is to provide you with an opportunity to learn the complete facts – both pro and con – regarding the various strategies in handling debt.

We want you to become extremely aware of the fraud and the scam being committed in the marketplace.

We want to show you the procedures you should use to discover fraud and scam artists before you make a decision. Unfortunately, Debt Settlement has earned a terrible reputation due to the scam artists. Many of these artists have had to pay huge penalties to the Federal Trade Commission.

Our Mission is to Provide you with a Budgeting System

Our mission is to provide you with a budgeting system in order for you to take control of your finances. We have booklets for those who don’t budget. We, also, have an E-Learning website entitled PennyWatchers.org.

Our mission is to give our client ‘new habits’ in order that they will become financially focused on their income and expenses. We believe that education is important but equally important is developing a new ‘set of habits’ which will bring the cycle of not having control over your income and expenses.

We believe in the ‘envelope system’ which is an old fashioned, tried and true system which helps consumers take control of their financial lives. We explain to our clients how to use the ‘envelope system’ and we have developed special spreadsheets which can be used manually to record expenses.

Our mission is to provide motivation on how to be successful and as such we have our client using our E-learning website PennyWatchers.org.

Our mission is to stimulate our clients to acquire new skills in order to earn money. We provide individual training on how to use E-Bay to make money. We introduce clients to ideas on now to earn money and/or develop a new career or business. We call this client enrichment and development.

Our mission is to share with clients insights and ideas on how to save money through frugal shopping.

Our mission is to assist clients through a holistic approach of budgeting and using the Federal Credit Reporting Act to improve their credit scores.

Get Your Free and Confidential Consultation with Atty. Dave Falvey